
Colgate charcoal gold brush

I am not that great a morning person and my mother always tells me, “the early bird catches the worm.” This is her mantra on how to turn good mornings into Gold Mornings. She passed on her morning mantra to me, saying waking up early has its own benefits. In…

blogging 2015 riddhiculous blog

The world of blogging or bloggers is growing every minute, as it can crown you professionally as well as on personal level. A blog is your best bet for getting noticed, for making your voice heard, and stand out among the online crowd. It is no longer a space meant for just…

Flipkart Li'l Stars Store Launch

Welcome 20th century and the age of jet-setter-kids. Kids who are digital natives and for whom laptop, ipads and smart phones are favourite toys. And hence, their shopping needs also have transformed and multiplied by bounds. I got a recent opportunity to interact with fellow mothers and online portal Flipkart on…