Being a literature student, I have always lived in the world of fantasies, in the world where everything is beyond the ‘natural’.
So, in a recent turn of events, someone asked me, what if you had some super powers that could let you live this fantasy world (well whatever of it is possible to be lived.) I was thrilled. It was time to #AwakenYourForce .
Imagine sitting in a cafe and being everybody’s center of attraction, for all the good reasons. When you click people hear the sounds of R2-D2 and lightsabers. What if you have your own BB8?

So, every day you battle out the inner self to take the “right” call and follow the “good” side and try and maintain the balance. Now, whether it is the Jedi who tells us to stay away from the Darth Vader, is it just our power to see the truth. Nobody knows. So there are some things I am very particular about. We all make choices and it is about overcoming our urges and our hate in order to attain ‘nirvana’.
Here’s how the HP Star WarsTM Special Edition Notebook will be nothing less than the “weapon” I need to ignite the force inside me. I come from the digital media industry and for us, the virtual worlds are even stronger than realities.
“This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.”
―Obi-Wan Kenobi

- Presentations to win Clients by creative dark “Force”By using my super powers, I will be more creatively “charged” to design some of the best PPTs and emails. I will use the dark powers to impress and convince them with my dark force 😉
- You have it, You flaunt it: Dark inspired Accessory
No matter what corner of the galaxy you’re in, this dark side inspired design is impossible to ignore. The meetings, the networking and the overall “effect” of this invaluable gadget are too hard to let go off. The world will be so jealous of my prized possession. -
image source:
- Appreciate Beauty Within
Fonts and wallpapers that come along with are worth all the effort. Yes, you heard me right, it lets you type like you’re a citizen of Coruscant. You can interact in Aurebesh, the Galactic Base Standard language. I can flaunt it to make my presentations look “Cool”. This darling comes loaded in the font library of the Star Wars™ Special Edition NotebookType like you’re a citizen of Coruscant.
- Dark is beautiful
I wish to have the power of the dark side at my fingertips with a mouse that lets me click away all that troubles me. I am born to wield it and nobody else can take it over. It comes with powerful wireless capabilities and low-profile design, it’s slim and sleek. Can it get better than this?
- Work hard, Party Harder
With the help of the Audio by B&O Play watching movies will be never be the same. It will be a unique experience so, the perfect way to unwind after a hard day. Because “I like to move it!” - Owning your “precious”This new HP gadget is more like the “lightsaber.” It calls to me and answers me, just like Luke’s Lightsaber answers Rey. If being on the dark side comes with these many powers, than who minds. Because “it is the right thing to do.”It also has a database of more than thousand images from past 40 years of Star Wars™ history. Which is nothing more than precious.
Here’s a sneakpeek at the HP Star Wars limited edition notebook
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