Dear grown ups,
My hands are small
– I don’t mean to spill my milk,
My legs are short –
Please slow down
so I can keep up
Don’t slap my hands
when I touch something bright and pretty
– I don’t understand
Please look at me when
I talk to you,
Then I know you are really listening,
My feelings are tender –
don’t nag me all day
let me make mistakes without feeling stupid
Don’t expect what I do to be perfect –
Just love me for trying
Remember I’m a child not a small adult
sometimes I don’t understand
what you are saying
I love you so much –
please love me for just being me
not for the things I can do.
– I don’t mean to spill my milk,
My legs are short –
Please slow down
so I can keep up
Don’t slap my hands
when I touch something bright and pretty
– I don’t understand
Please look at me when
I talk to you,
Then I know you are really listening,
My feelings are tender –
don’t nag me all day
let me make mistakes without feeling stupid
Don’t expect what I do to be perfect –
Just love me for trying
Remember I’m a child not a small adult
sometimes I don’t understand
what you are saying
I love you so much –
please love me for just being me
not for the things I can do.
I love you
you are all that I have.
A four year old kid’s wish
Author Unknown
really beautiful
it's soooooo cute 🙂
loved it
So true isn't it? Something we tend to forget, when around children, is that, they are always watching us…trying to learn, understand and grow…Even when they don't seem to be paying attention….
Thanks for sharing this one Riddhi..
Simple and sweet
that's sooo cute ya!!! love it…
you are tagged 🙂
first time i read it
i felt like.
wow!! sooo…. sweet
it is..
pretty cute lines
My post card girl
Teaches me a few lessons
That only a child can…
Your niece is lucky to have you…
Someone who can listen to things a child cant say…
But wants to….
More power to you… Keep writing
Nice! Ahhh…
I liked it moocho mucho.
@choco- thank you
@ashley- you are welcome ashley
@Brose- it's been so long. i do not see you around anymore.
@Nim- how is lasik treating u lady?
@Choco- thanksssss for the award. yay!
@Sorcerer- welcome here. glad u liked it.
@Mindey- arrey.. Yay Yay yay… So cool… niece loves me to… 🙂 post card girl loves it…
@Soubhik- 🙂
@Grayquill- glad u liked it
in some ways, this is lewis carroll paraphrased 🙂