I have been reading Henry Fielding lately. As if I have an option. But, I am surprisingly liking it a lot. The author has great sense of humor. He gave me some real good points to ponder or points to remember. Very practical approaches which hold true forever.
“Tacit Obedience implies no force upon the will, and consequently may be easily and without any pains preserved but when a wife, a child, a relation, or a friend, performs what we desire, with grumbling and reluctance, with expressions of dislike and dissatisfaction the manifest difficulty which they undergo, must greatly enhance the obligation.”
“By conferring an obligation, they do not always procure a friend, but are certain of creating enemies”
“When you have , made your fortune by the good offices of a friend, you are adviced to discard him as soon as you can”
Tom Jones, Henry Fielding
:)…well finally Henry Fielding has found a publicist!