I have divided this Blog post into four parts-
Part 1 At Home

Saas Bahu Saga. Pic Credit: TOI archives
A few weeks back a discussion in the living room turned into an argument. And like most of the times, we managed to spoil our weekends over it. I think it is a standard issue in every family when discussions turn into arguments. On matters like getting the AC repaired, finding a new house help, who will do the laundry this weekend and of course the very common one who will put the baby to sleep.
The recent argument in the home started somewhat like this –
On Sunday morning an irritated me woke up to something that was a not-so-good site on my walls.

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Me: (Irritated) Look what Kanhu has done?
BK: (Amused) Wow! My little artist, finally my home has a masterpiece. Orange looks good on our walls. Nahin?
Me: (Looking at him sternly) Seriously? Orange might look good, but not in sketch pens.
BK: It is okay. It is not that bad. Okay yes quite in-your-face but not bad.’Breathe in-Breathe out.’
Me: (Now cannot contain the anger inside) Yeah maybe this will make sure that you take my painting pleas seriously. It has been six years, and you have not thought of it even once? How many Diwalis should I wait for?
Overhearing the buzz word “Paint” enters the mother in law.
SaaS: Yeah, it is very easy for you to say it. But painting is not an easy thing.
Me: (Now knowing where is this heading) Have you seen what Kanhu has done? Soon this will be all over our place.
SaaS: So? That is an even better reason for not getting it done so early. Also, do you know the painting process is so tedious? Both of you will leave for office. How do you think we will manage that too with a kid?
BK: Exactly my point Maa. Don’t worry we will not have it this year either.
Me: (Looking helpless and giving BK some killing looks) OK. Whatever!
Part 2
This was by far the most fun I had at a bloggers meet. This was by far one of the most interactive bloggers meet I attended. This was by far the only bloggers meet where I “SPOKE” so much. This was by far the BEST INDIBLOGGERS MEET I ATTENDED. Thankyou #BergerXP.
I had a blast live-tweeting at the event. I also enjoyed meeting some old and many new faces. The most interesting bit was that the various acts that we had to perform. The innovative way of putting across their idea of “painting” your home without “hassle” was a first.
The brand made all the efforts to make sure the message is put across. The Indiblogger team was doing what they do best- making certain that we are having fun. They managed to make us walk like Egyptians and dance like lunatics all on the same day. We did use colours and my team Zabardast Safai came up with one of the most “playful” posters at the event.
By innovative ways to present their brand I mean the events and situations created were absorbing. Like there was an activity where were to go through a complete sanding process on boards. Check video. That was like a trailer on how much dust can be created if we use traditional sanding methods.
Next was a painting exercise. We were also taught how to mix the water based colours with the primer. The theme for the painting competition was Mumbai Meri Jaan- Why we love the place. Ours was a simple idea merged with BergerXP paint philosophy Faster, Cleaner, Better. My team did a fabulous job.

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Part 3
Back Home with Power of Colourful Knowledge
Now, the argument at home happened last to last weekend. But something else happened the weekend after that which gave me a victorious grin. To tell you the truth, I had once painted my room, and I know how difficult it was to go through the entire process. But, I happened to be part of the above-mentioned bloggers meet organized by Berger Express the very next week and BINGO!
Here’s a list of Saas Arguments for not getting paints done followed by my point by point rebuttal for her:
Very Painful (Sar Dard):
Berger Express Paints are anything but a headache. As per my experiences at the meet, they send a very well managed group of painters. The videos were of great help. After all, how can Painting ka T-20 be a headache? Jokes apart, these machines they use for paints are almost not very painful. You do not have to move things upside down for them.
Hassle (Kaam Badh Gaya)
As mentioned above considering the dust factor is the least, the hassles are minimalistic. This means my SaaS’ Kaam badh gaya logic is baseless and futile.
Dust (Gandagi)
The BergerXP comes with a cutting-edge vacuum suction-enabled sanding machines keep your house dust-free, and this is a life-saver. The sand paper used while painting my room in 2005 still gives me nightmares. My hands were “torn” when I used them Forget the dust they make. For example, at the meet, I happened to take my phone with me for the sanding exercise. Look at the condition of my phone after that-
Time-consuming (Bahut Lamba process hai):
This was a major winning point for me. As per the BergerXp team’s research, their painting process is 40 percent faster than traditional painting. Beat that!
Messy (Jhanjhat aur taam-jhaam):
It promises sparkling results with their no-mess tools. As far as I am considered, I did manage to convince my sasuma that we can get a painting exercise done this Diwali.
Part 4
The Real Story behind Berger Express Painting
This is how they explain it on the website–
Berger Express Painting is a new age end-to-end painting solution provided by trained painters using automatic tools. It gives the consumer a faster, cleaner, better and hassle-free painting experience. The Express Service is provided by Berger Paints India and is executed by trained painters.
If we try to understand their Express painting magic tools in details, here’s how we can divide their roles in the painting process:
This is how they have managed to change the face of painting industry by introducing mechanized solutions. They have trained painters with these tools and whoosh! The magic is yours to see. Here’s a small peek into how the various machines function.
Meet the Magical SANDING MACHINE:
As the very concept, this is the real winner. Forget the old draconian “Sandpaper” and the most painful exercise of sanding the walls. This one is – Faster & Cleaner because\ it comes with Dust-Free Vacuum Function. The machine works on Regulated Speeds and makes a little noise equivalent to that of a vacuum cleaner.
Meet Magic Machine Number Two MULTIPURPOSE MIXER
This again comes up with techniques that help in – Quick & Hassle-free Mixing and can manage to perform both Putty & Texture Mixing.
The Innovative & Fun AUTO ROLLER
I have always loved those hand rollers, but this one looked so COOL that I am dying to try it on myself. Reminded me of my favorite part when I was painting my room. This one is an Adjustable Roller and guess what you won’t have to put paint manually as you do to the sponge rollers because this comes with Automatic Paint Pumping. Again which means time-saving. Of course considering the paints are Berger paints the quality is excellent. But, stay assured there is no compromise on the finish either. The product claims to give you a- Superior Finish
It also comes with a – ‘Hi-speed Pressure Wash’ and a ‘Pressure Regulator.’ There is an option with ‘Nozzle Adjustment.’
The paint your imagination AIRLESS PAINT SPRAYER
For Quick Application, it Supports water-based paints & primer. Another plus. It also provides you with the uniform finish.
With tools like these designed to specifically make the process of painting faster and hassle-free, painting is now an enjoyable experience.
With all of this The BergerXpress Painting is-
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