This is it

This is it
The twinkle in your eyes
The dimple on her chin
Naughty little ‘sigh!’
Aah! I know
This is it …

You slip a little something
In a satin ribbon wrap
A tear wells up
Sitting pretty on her cheek
Aah! I know
This is it …

You hold her hand
A thought tickles you
The new state of being
Aah! I know
This is it …

The hand now sweats
As the grip tightens
Eyes ‘white’ widen
Aah! did I know?
Is this it?

The knotted dreams
Pink ribbon haunts
As you free yourself
Aah! only if you knew
This is what “it” is …

The look once enchanting
Now kills you real
A spell to undo it
Aah! I should have known
This is not it
This cannot be …


  1. Nice progress in this poem. I like it! A good message too! Keep writing!!!

  2. DID u mean GAME OVER !!

  3. lol…d same story every single time 😀

    so is dis it wid u??? 😉

  4. Interesting twist!

  5. @Brose- heh thank u.. good msg u mean say no to marriages or smething 😛
    @Shafi- game over.. yep.. basically panic attacks by the idea of marriage.. wedding blues
    @Blunt edges- hehe this time its the guy who got panic attacks n not me. blunt not with me.. A frnd ends up asking out girls for marriage and then backs out.. jack ass.. always freaks out by the name..
    @Nikki- thank u,,

    Ohh wow the word verification says – cuffed.. how did they know…

  6. n u thot only u can plant those…u "lisper" 😛


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